Greater technology
Quotes by Roger Bacon 1214-1294
Examples of greater technology in the past:
Computing Device: ————————————————————————————————————-
Toothed-Wheel from Vladivostok
The Ancient equivalent of a Tablet Computer
Advance Architecture: ——————————————————————————————————
Castles: Technological Wonders
Giant Builders compared to Paleoloxodon Antiquus
Giant Builders compared to a Fully Mature Giraffe
Giant Builders compared to an adult Leopard
Meteoric Iron nails used by the Mound-builders
Modern Plum-bob used by Mound-builders
Superior Industry:———————————————————————————————————–
The Great Ancient Copper Mines of Michigan
bamboo cable, comparable to steel
100 miles of Oil and Natural gas pipelines
Ancient Roman Concrete is Superior
Ground Transportation: ———————————————————————————————–
Wheel in Carboniferous Sandstone
3 Stage Rocket from a 500 Year Old Manuscript
Medical: ————————————————————————————————————————————–
Egyptian Medical Treatise over 5000 years old
Ancient Assyrian Medical Tablets
Peruvian Ancient Heart Transplants
Ancient Brain Surgery proven Tibet, Greece, Turkey and Peru and more!!!
Ancient Brain Surgery from a Michigan Mound
Ancient Brain Surgery 5000 ya in China
Ancient Brain Surgery in India
Golden Plating on ancient skull
Knee screw thought to be modern
Ancient Man’s use of modern Aspirin
Ancient Man’s Use of penicillium
A Mound builders Artificial Silver Tooth
Electricity: ————————————————————————————-—————————-
Egyptian Electrical Conduit recently found
Working Ancient Egyptian Battery
Djed Pillars, electrical device with Insulators
Electrical Lighting: ————————————————————————————-—————————-
Light bulbs from the Island of Philae
Refrigeration and air conditioning ————————————————————————————-—————————-
Yakhchāl, an ancient Persia refrigerator
Lasers and Advanced Weapons: ———————————————————————————
Manuscripts for Building a Heat Ray
Leonardo’s Burning Mirrors Manuscript
Crusader era 1300’s Hand Grenade
Israel 6th Century Hand Grenade
Byzantine 7th Century Hand Grenade
Constantinople’s Era Greek Fire Hand Grenade
Ancient Bullet Holes in Skulls
Walking stick -hammer-sword-wheellock
Nuclear Power: ———————————————————————————————————————
An Advanced Subterranean Nuclear Reactor, Gabor
Robotics: —————————————————————————————————————————–
Gottfried von Berlichingen “with the iron hand”
a lot more to come
Precision Cartography: ———————————————————————————————————THE PIRI REIS MAP
Advanced Metallurgy: ———————————————————————————————————THE LONDON ARTIFACT
Damascus Steel, Lost technology by ancient iron workers
Upshur County, West Virginia, Bell In Coal
Steel from Ancient India (Wootz Steel)
Chinese Steel was made 3800 ya
The mysterious metal, Orichalcum
*Advanced Chemistry : ——————————————————————————————————-
Ancient Machining: ——————————————————————————————————
Chinese Made Early Use of Diamond
Ancient Art Superiority:————————————————-
Ancient Animal Drawings demonstrate Master Artistry
Roman Goblet demonstrates nanotechnolgy
Advanced Rococo Sculpture that cannot be reproduced
Cloisters, Gothic miniature marvels
War Superiority:————————————————————-
Modern Archers learn from Ancient Manuscripts
Ancient Plumbing:————————————————-
Hot and Cold Running Water, Minoa
Hot and Cold Running Water, Epheseus
Ancient Plumbing for a Cave, China
Ancient advanced communications:———————————–
Telephones, a 1400 year old telephone system found
Advanced clothing and materials:————————————————
Modern Footwear in Ancient times
Modern Tools: ——————————————————
Aboriginal Rouge Pot and Powder Puff
Check out this link! These are obviously not “natural”(for lack of a better word) monoliths as you can tell by the landscape. Evidence of early technology or giants? These make Stone Henge look like a kids toy. The wear would lead me to believe they are pre-flood. Don’t believe in a worldwide flood? Keep browsing this site over time and eventually you might. The monoliths in the link(waiting approval hint hint to the moderator) are in Russia. If you like the pics I suggest DL before the news article expires and is removed.
A recent discovery in Bosnia once again is changing the way we view the ancient past. A massive 2300′ pyramid with other smaller ones just like in Giza, right under our noses. It is currently being unearthed. This link shows a video of the site with many pics now available on the web. This pyramid seems to reflect the Egyptian style with a smooth surface, but we wont know for certain until it is completely excavated. Currently they are seeking volunteers for the summer if anyone likes to dig! Check it out!
The Greater Technology Understanding.
Greater technology refers to a past technology of ideas and created things(by man or nephelim) which would be used in conjunction with the lives of those of a specific past time for a direct purpose. This could include any number of day to day items or larger more complex things. weapons of war, cities and ziggurats of worship are just a few. One may ask a simple question of our greater ancestors of the past like…”why make entire cities from stone instead of using modern day construction materials as found today? This is implied for all greater technology of the past…most destroyed in the deluge but some surviving. The answer is simple. A man who lives 900 years will need a place to last 900 years. drywall and joint compound will not do.