Greater Ancestors

World Museum

The case for the Controversial Cardiff Giant


A Singular Discovery-–What Is It? The recent remarkable discovery of a huge stone statue near Syracuse, New York, continues to excite much curiosity and attention. A farmer named Wm. C. Newell, residing at Cardiff, about 1 mile south of Syracuse, in digging a well, at a depth of 21 feet, struck what he supposed to be a large stone, but continuing to dig, he soon uncovered two large stony feet and legs, and by further effort the perfect figure of a man of more than giant size was revealed. A measurement showed its length from the top of the head to the sole of the foot 10 feet 2 inches; width of shoulders 3 feet; palm of hand crosswise 7 inches; the large finger 8 inches long; thigh 12 inches; leg below the thigh 9 inches. The figure was found lying on its right side. Since found it has been visited by thousands of persons, among them naturalists and scientists. It is thought by some persons to be a fossilized human body, but others, and the general opinion, seems to be that it is a statue. Where it came from, who was the sculptor, and when it was deposited in its bed, are the questions now exciting attention and being investigated.

Prof. L.G. Olmstead, who has made archaeology a study, looks upon the figure as a statue, showing remarkable correctness and grace in its proportions. He does not even deem it necessary to assume for it antiquity as a work of art. By placing it beside the highest known models of beauty rescued from the ruins of ancient Italy, he pays it an unusual compliment; yet his judgment in this regard seems to be confirmed by the impression made upon the minds of all who see the figure.

“As a work of art, the Cardiff statue is perhaps a better embodiment of the intellectual and physical power of a mountain-piling old Titan than Italy possesses.”

Its a statue period, end of story”. And that’s as much time as anyone wants to give to this subject. I have put off this for a long time. This website is a database for giants, most are not controversial at all. This is definitely in the top 3 when it comes to controversy. There is A STRONG stigma on the Cardiff Giant and while reading many of the tales, some things do not line up properly. There is so much written on the Cardiff Giant, so i will link them all to this page. The various opinions past and present do not represent the views of Greater Ancestors World Museum or any of its writers. The Cardiff Giant fact or fiction represents a huge media circus and national attention and eventually all giant finds would be compared to it. Was it a statue, was it a false flag, or was there something more to it? We are presenting information here and thats all, there is no need to be dependent on the Cardiff Giant as a smoking gun, it is not that, and All giantologists would agree the discussion of the Cardiff Giant hurts the Giantology cause more than it could help it, but i am going to do it anyway.

Hey skeptics, and runt-chasers here is the runt that many of you will use as an example of content on this site. Have at it, there are several thousand better examples you will avoid so it wont help your case.

  1. Western Reserve chronicle. (Warren, Ohio), 17 Nov. 1869. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>

Another Opinion on the Cardiff Giant from a Doctor

Cardiff is not the Only Petrifications in the area

There were coins found with the Cardiff Giant dating to 1001

the Cardiff Giant exposed by the unreliable witness

Payment Demanded, Affidavits and threats by a mr. F. Morhmann

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