Greater Ancestors

World Museum

a Cemetery of over a thousand giants

heart_rivera Cemetery of over a thousand giants

1883  “Two miles from Mandan, on the bluffs near the junction of the Hart and Missouri Rivers, says the local newspaper, the Pioneer, is an old Cemetery of fully 100 acres in extent filled with bones of a giant race. This vast city of the dead lies just east of the Fort Lincoln road. The ground has the Morton_Countyappearance of having been filled with trenches piled full of dead bodies, both man and beast, and covered with several feet of earth. In many places mounds from 8 to 10 feet high, and some of them 100 feet or more in length, have been thrown up and are filled with bones, broken pottery, vases of various bright colored flint, and agates … showing the work of a people skilled in the arts and possessed of a high state of civilization. This has evidently been a grand battlefield, where thousands of men … have fallen. …Five miles above Mandan, on the opposite side of the Missouri, is another vast cemetery, as yet unexplored. We asked an aged Indian what his people knew of these ancient grave yards. He answered: “We know nothing about them. They were here before the red man.”  The Scientific American

As a dedicated giant researcher, it is essential to explore all evidence related to the existence of giants. This article detailing a cemetery of over a thousand giants near Mandan, North Dakota, is a prime example of the type of evidence that requires further investigation. The article describes a vast city of the dead filled with bones of a giant race, exhibiting the work of a people skilled in the arts and possessed of a high state of civilization. The presence of broken pottery, vases of various bright colored flint, and agates suggest that these giants were not only of above average height but were also capable of complex artistic expression.

Eyewitness accounts and scientific measurements of the bones found in the cemetery should not be dismissed lightly. The article describes mounds from 8 to 10 feet high, some of them 100 feet or more in length, filled with bones of both man and beast. The meticulous description of the site leads one to believe that it was indeed a grand battlefield where thousands of men may have fallen.

It is important to note that the article states that the cemetery was filled with bones of a giant race that existed before the red man. This challenges our preconceived notions of history and requires us to think outside the box. As an uncompromising, strong-willed giant researcher, I am committed to exploring the evidence and uncovering the truth about giants and their place in our history. The existence of this vast cemetery of giants is only one piece of a larger puzzle that we must work to solve.

Ancient Midwest Giants


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