What were the height of the 2 hawaiian giants at olowalu maui?
Hawaiian giants
17 to 20 feet on the male and 20 to 25 feet on the female. The remains were shipped off to Australia research labs and has been since. I was security during transfer from Maui to ship.I didn’t see anything but crates and one large container wrapped with plastic. Most people said it was animal bones but someone started a rumor it was human skeletons. No oe believed it until a photo started circulating of what seems to be a spine with ribs. All of it was encrusted into lava flow. That was a long time ago. I was researching new photos online about native American Indian legends and came across an article about the Nevada giants which led me to another site about someone who tried locating the lava tube in Olowalu.
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com hawaiian giants /search?q=cache:0SPgEXDiyXcJ:wiki.answers.com/Q/What_were_the_height_of_the_2_hawaiian_giants_at_olowalu_maui+Hawiian+Giants&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
I have emaield and confirmed with Gary Nelson, who wrote an article ( http://garry-nelson.hubpages.com/hub/Human-Giants ) on the internet in which he describes 2 giant red haired 10-12 ft skeletons that were said to have been found near Olowalu Canyon in the 90’s, he says he even visited the cave and petroglyphs near the site and talked with two archaeologists who admitted they found giants with red hair in that valley–although he was unable to view them with his own eyes. Other giant sized skeletons have been rumored to have been found in lava caves near Ulupalakua, and at graveyards near Waihee.
The fact that there are SO MANY independent rumors of giants circulating around the Island of MAUI makes me wonder if a real phenomenon is not at play here. Where there is smoke there is fire.
The anonymous source who said he was security when they loaded the Olowalu giants onto the ship bound for Australian labs, suspected they might be animal bones, but there is one IMPORTANT FACT: What animal on Hawaii is or has EVER been 17, or 20 feet long? Or even 10 or 12 feet long? There have never been any Dinosaur fossils found on Hawaii, nor any fossils of Megafauna animals i.e. mammals over 200 lbs, because the Islands were too remote from the mainlands. What sort of “unknown” animal existed on Hawaii that would require (assuming the rumor is true) 20-25 foot long cargo crates to be sent to Australia?
I have sent emails to an Olowalu/Waihee resident, he responded and said he was curious about the Olowalu story, but that he’d never heard of it. He said he would ask some local cultural experts about it but he never emailed me back after that.
I just sent an email to Ulupalakua ranch requesting any info about giants found near that ranch and am awaiting a response. I’ll keep you updated with my research.
There’s a lot of weird stuff in this island and Maui is very old there is places with ancient concrete
yes Itayjd, do u know where the ancient concrete structures? I was told there are megalithic pillars in the valleys near Hana.. but Olowalu may have some too since they found the giants there..??
Every county of the 808 aloha state HAWAII has it’s own stories, THIS IS A 1ST! I wanna know MORE. Mahalo’s mucho grande pal
There were 2 setts of giants in Humanity, and they were said to be as tall as palm trees, and also the site in Maui where they said they found the bodies were closed off to Public, it is possible for human remains to be as long as 20 to 30 feet, because it describes humans were like that in the Bible Nephilims , and Quran the people of Ad and Thamud.
I attended a Hawaiian medicine class and the person giving the class,said that there was a group of people living in the mountains of Kaupo and they were called the H’a Kea and that they were squared jawed and had red hair. They also wore clothes made of skins of hairy animals,goats i presume.As far as truth to this i don’t know but this person is of Hawaiian ancestry.