Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Westchester County – Skeletons of Unusual Size


​While a New York and Harlem Railroad construction gang were taking sand from a large mound near Purdy’s Station yesterday to fill in an excavation, they unearthed several skeletons of unusual size. The bones are believed to be the bones of a tribe of Indians who once lived in Katonah,  and were led by the great chief Tee Kue, after whom the Titicus Valley, now a part of the New York watershed, takes its name. Besides finding the bones the workmen also exhumed arrowheads and hatchets. It is believed that the mound was an Indian burial place. It is believed that the mound was an Indian burial place. The bones were taken to Katonah and will be reburied in the local cemetery.

New York, Westchester County 1904.

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