Vera Cruz – 32 Feet
Mexico City, Oct. 14 – The fossilized remains of a giant measuring more than 32 feet 10 inches in height were, according to reports, recently discovered by workers near the little village of Nanacamilpa, State of Vera Cruz.
The natives, who still cling to many of the traditions of their Indian ancestors, declared the giant was related to the gods of their forefathers. They erected a catafalque in the plaza upon which the giant rested in state for many days.
The discovery attracted the attention of scientists here. Manuel Gamio, director of anthropology at the National Museum, expects to leave soon for Nanacamilpa to investigate. He is inclined to believe the fossil is that of a prehistoric vertebrate, not human.
MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION The Suburb Unparalleled. – Adv.
- Harrisburg telegraph. [volume], October 14, 1919, Page 13, Image 13