The Head of a Giant, Lovelock
The Head of a Giant Lovelock
Art Gallery Plans Sunday Double Feature
Two Giant Indian Skeletons – The Head of a Giant Lovelock
“PTA Hears Review of Giant Lovelock of Early Nevada by Dr. Wier”
Reno high school PTA held its regular monthly meeting on Friday afternoon with Mrs. G H. Hansen presiding. After the business meeting, Mr. Hansen, in the absence of Mrs. W. J. Harrison, program chairman, introduced the speaker of the afternoon, Dr. Jeanne Wier, founder and secretary of the Nevada State Historical Society, who addressed the group on the topic “Giant Lovelock: Early Days of Nevada”.
In her address, Doctor Wier sketched events and persons of note and adventure in the early and colorful history of the state. Various articles selected from the collections of the society were shown. These included the head of a “giant” from the Lovelock cave, early handcuffs, a picture of Hank Monk, famous stage driver, a silver trowel from the Comstock lode given to the building of the state capitol, and daguerreotypes of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kinsey, pioneer settlers of Genoa.
Doctor Wier also spoke of the early Mormon settlements in Nevada and displayed various household utensils used by them nearly a century ago. Among the manuscripts of the society’s collection are the letter books of William Stewart, Nevada’s pioneer senator and statesman.
Throughout the talk, Doctor Wier stressed the value of visual aids in education and in this connection exhibited a state flag once owned by the late Senator Key Pittman. She also urged persons to loan or to present the society with documents or objects of historical interest and thereby aid in acquainting Nevadans with early life and events of the state’s history.
Musical features of the program were rendered by Wilton Hertz on his accordion. Hostesses for the afternoon were the teachers of the Reno High School who served refreshments from a beautifully decorated table.
3. Research done by Rephaim23