The 18 inch cockroach
The OHIO cockroach that academia loves
“Scuttling around the floor of Carboniferous forests from. . ., the Archimylacris eggintoni was between two and nine centimeters (¾ and 3½ inches)”
“Tropical cockroaches are often much bigger, and extinct cockroach relatives and ‘roachoids’ such as the Carboniferous Archimylacris and the Permian Apthoroblattina were not as large as the biggest modern species.”
“Most species are about the size of a thumbnail, but several species are bigger. The world’s heaviest cockroach is the Australian giant burrowing cockroach, which can reach 9 cm (3.5 in) in length”
Above are referencing the largest roach in the world, this is false! As far as fossils go some give it to the 3.5 inch Ohio Fossil.
The first 18 inch cockroach.
1. Dr. Don Patton had unearthed a giant roach fossil. During a presentation Dr. Patton said, “I excavated a cockroach from near Oblong, Illinois several years ago. [It was] a foot-and-a-half long. [My] wife wouldn’t let me bring it in the house.”
Dr. Don R. Patton has done extensive research in the area of geology and archeology. He is an area supervisor for the City of David excavations, and site geologist for the Qumram excavations in Israel. He has excavated and researched around the world including Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Israel, France, Italy, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming. Four years, Florida College, Temple Terrace, FL (Bible)
Two years, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN (Geology)
Two years, Indiana Univ./Purdue Univ., Indianapolis, IN (Geology)
Two years, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN (Geology)
Two years, Pacific School of Graduate Studies, Melbourne, Australia (Education)
Ph.D. in Education granted 12/10/1993
Worked as Geologist in the US, Canada, Australia, England, Mexico, Peru and Bolivia.
Participated in dinosaur excavations in Colorado, Texas, Utah, Wyoming and Canada
Member of Geological Society of America,
Some of Dr. Patton’s work can be seen at (“The Laws of Science Part 2 of 6” about 34:12 at )
Don Patton is a credible source whose credentials and character his critics couldn’t match on his worse day. ~Chris L Lesley
The 2nd 18 inch cockroach is from an Evolutionary publication:
In “ Why Giant Bugs Once Roamed the Earth” (National Geographic, August 8, 2011) Ker Than (See “Let’s Squash Natural Selection” for more from Than) said that fossils of “huge cockroaches were common during the Carboniferous period
Evolutionary publication:
“Giant dragonflies and huge cockroaches were common in the Carboniferous . . .layer,
What we have shown here is that it not just Creationists but also evolutionists that are aware of these giant cockroaches. So its not an agenda based response there are recognized by this evolutionary author as well as others that I will add in the future. ~ Chris L Lesley
Third: Grady McMurtry possesessed a slide from a book that, I still have of an 18” cockroach.
Who is Grady McMurtry?
Dr. Grady S. McMurtry earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in science; received a Doctor of Divinity in Christian Apologetics, with a concentration in Creation Science; and, a Doctor of Letters.
He is a life member of Intertel and Mensa, (he’s smart)
as well as the Creation Research Society and Phi Kappa Phi. Dr. Grady McMurtry was involved with Liberty Counsel, having served as Chairman of the Board. He works with the Russian Creation Research Society, Creation Science Association for Mid-America, and the Creation Studies Institute.
If I had to point out any one Creationist who influenced me the most, who directed my past and whom I would call a mentor it is without question Grady McMurtry. I have been around a lot of brilliant minds but he is the smartest man, one who has the most valuable knowledge and what a scientist should be.
I have seen many of his presentations I possess audio and videos of is presentations. During one of his presentations while talking about the magnetic field’s affect on the maturity of animals, he showed a slide of an 18 inch cockroach. A photo of a fossil cockroach which he still possesses as do I.
Kent Hovind also verified these measurements:
“Eighteen-inch cockroach fossils.”
“Fossils of GIANT insects have been found like: 2′ grasshoppers, 18″ cockroaches, 3′ spiders, 50″ dragonflies etc. See Sem. Part 2 for more on that.”
A publication from Grady McMurtry gave me is the 5th verification.
(8″ cockroach)
Upon reading the text while searching for information on the giant 18″ cockroach, I found verification of an 8″ cockroach. I will have to go through my files and add more information and sources on this one at a later date.
6th Eric Hovind’s Presentaton
Eric Hovind, following in his dads footsteps also mentions the 18″ cockroach that his Father Kent Hovind used in his lectures. Granted this is the same 18″ roach. Both are highly knowledgeable and of good character. ~Chris L Lesley
(More on their research in the future)
Analysis: Their are several independent scientists that have whose research corresponds to each other. (These are scientists because of their field study not because of their government accredits, which they have)
Not done yet!!!
There are several researchers out of the Country that not only have fossil roaches larger than the 3.5 “Ohio’s biggest” in the State only roach, but have found roaches bigger than the 18 inch roaches reported by independent scientists.
5. The Apthoroblattina was a giant cockroach Carboniferous, measuring 50 cm, (50cm = 1911⁄16in) huge to be a cockroach.
Length approx. 50 cm (50cm = 1911⁄16in)
Height approx. 5 cm
Approx. 2 kg
Omnivore Food
Age (s) ago between 312 and 300 million years ago in the Carboniferous
Oversized Highlights

It is considered one of the world’s largest cockroach.

Presumably, their habitats would also be similar to cockroaches, scurrying along the weed and feed on anything edible, possibly from dead prey to primitive amphibians and reptiles.
It is considered one of the world’s largest cockroach.
As cockroaches current design Carboniferous cockroaches an animal allowed to be off-road. Even could reach a speed of 45 Km / h …
Presumably, their habitats would also be similar to cockroaches, scurrying along the weed and feed on anything edible, possibly from dead prey to primitive amphibians and reptiles.
It is widespread on the Internet in blogs and similar information that gender Apthoroblattina a prehistoric blatodeo apparently similar in morphology to cockroaches, presented copies in the Permian with a length of about 50 cm. It is Widespread on the internet in blogs and information like gender That apparently Apthoroblattina to prehistoric blatodeo like in morphology to cockroaches, presented copies in the Permian with a length of about 50 cm.
Academic sources, however, attribute much smaller dimensions (between 43 and 45 mm in length) and placed in the Carboniferous. Academic sources, however it I attribute much smaller dimensions (between 43 and 45 mm in length) and Placed in the Carboniferous.
THAT IS RIGHT the Chinese province of Liaoning NOT Ohio!!!
Hi dr.very good text