Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Tangipahoa Parish County – Giant Forms


THE New Orleans Picayune, of Wednesday, has the follows: “At Tanginahoa, last week, laborers making an excavation, dug up several human skeletons of such enormous size that speculations are rife as to which era the remains of such giant forms may belong. The skulls are described as being of double the size of an ordinary skull, and the several bones being in proportion equally as large. In all probability the remains are those of some Indians buried many centuries previous to the discovery of this continent.

The discovery of enormous human skeletons is a fascinating and important area of research that has been swept under the rug for far too long. The recent excavation in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, is just one of many examples of the widespread evidence of giants that have been found throughout history. The New Orleans Picayune reports that the human skeletons found in Tangipahoa were of such enormous size that speculations are rife as to which era the remains of such giant forms may belong. The skulls are described as being twice the size of an ordinary skull, and the bones are proportionally just as large.

Despite this incredible discovery, there has been a systematic effort to suppress and dismiss such evidence. The sheer number of historical accounts of giant skeletons suggests that there is more to this topic. We cannot ignore the evidence that has been uncovered simply because it challenges our preconceived notions of what is possible.

It is crucial that we continue to explore the evidence of giants and their place in our history. Who were these giants? What kind of society did they live in, and what impact did they have on our world? These are questions that demand answers. The discovery of human skeletons of such enormous size in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, is just one piece of evidence in a much larger puzzle. As researchers, it is our duty to explore this evidence and uncover the truth about giants and their place in our history.

  1. Louisiana, Tangipahoa Parrish County, Memphis Daily Appeal, 1871.

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