Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Tangipahoa Giants

1871.08.13 - Memphis Daily Appeal


“The New Orleans Picayune, of Wednesday, has the following: ‘At Tanginahoa last week, laborers making an excavation, dug up several human skeletons of such enormous size that speculations are rife as to which era the remains of such giant forms may belong. The skulls are described as being of double the size of an ordinary skull, and the several bones being in proportion equally as large. In all probability, the remains are those of some Indians buried many centuries previous to the discovery of this continent.’

The discovery of enormous human skeletons in Tanginahoa has sparked speculation and debate among researchers and the general public. The skulls were reportedly double the size of an ordinary skull, and the bones were equally large in proportion. The article suggests that the remains could be those of some indigenous people buried many centuries ago.

Such discoveries are crucial for scientific research as they can provide us with a better understanding of the past and help us fill gaps in our knowledge. Having preserved skeletons of this size could allow for further study and analysis, providing valuable information on the people who lived during this period.

However, it is essential to handle such findings with care and respect, given their cultural and historical significance. It is also important to ensure that such artifacts are not stolen, traded, or destroyed. This discovery, along with others like it, emphasizes the need for more thorough research and investigation into the past, as we continue to learn more about our history and the world around us.

  1. Memphis Daily Appeal, (Memphis, Tenn.), 13 Aug. 1871. Chronicling America: Historic American
  2. Newspapers <><>

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