When I searched for the site, I was attempting to fact check this article. You have July 21 listed, another source quoted it as July 28, but neither said the year. Could you be so kind as to email me the full reference? Paper that published article, article name, date of publication, author, etc. I am prepared to believe, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Harry, occasionally i get “runt-hunters” like yourself. We Giantologists would define a runt-hunter is someone that would go to someone that sells prize-winning hogs and buys the runt. In this way the runt is then exploited and is announced that “this runt” is the example of pigs being sold. I sell Daedon fossil pigs 12 feet in length. So that’s where the term runt-hunters comes from its not an insult its a label for a tactic that skeptics use. Look at any of the websites that the skeptics use and you we see that they have well,searched my site to hunt the runt.
I am hoping that more info will come forward for this particular article, and what you have found is a stub, which is an incomplete article which is the way i receive them sometimes from trusted sources.
July 21 or July 28? Is this a problem? No.
This is the date of two different articles and the date which that article was printed. This is Sunday or weekly news the second is the reprint. In fact there is one article that has 26 publications some printed in different states and on different dates.
I hope you actually take the time to enjoy the site, this is a database of giant humans and animals the claims here are more than extraordinary, so i set extraordinary goals and make extraordinary challenges for my readers. I challenge you to find these “two: articles and bring me back the info so i can get the full info, so that others will enjoy this story as well.
I have put together a database showing giants found in every state in the united states, does that meet the criteria for extraordinary? Robert Wadlow is said by Guinness, Ripley’s, and Wiki to be “the tallest person that ever lived for whom there is irrefutable evidence for”, until i made two youtube videos that document 1000 ancients that were 9 feet tall. I would call that extraordinarily refuted. I don’t call the articles “facts”, this is a database of evidences which points to the fact that all life is shrinking, degenerating, and suffering entropy, . . . devolution happens.
When I searched for the site, I was attempting to fact check this article. You have July 21 listed, another source quoted it as July 28, but neither said the year. Could you be so kind as to email me the full reference? Paper that published article, article name, date of publication, author, etc. I am prepared to believe, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Harry, occasionally i get “runt-hunters” like yourself. We Giantologists would define a runt-hunter is someone that would go to someone that sells prize-winning hogs and buys the runt. In this way the runt is then exploited and is announced that “this runt” is the example of pigs being sold. I sell Daedon fossil pigs 12 feet in length. So that’s where the term runt-hunters comes from its not an insult its a label for a tactic that skeptics use. Look at any of the websites that the skeptics use and you we see that they have well,searched my site to hunt the runt.
I am hoping that more info will come forward for this particular article, and what you have found is a stub, which is an incomplete article which is the way i receive them sometimes from trusted sources.
July 21 or July 28? Is this a problem? No.
This is the date of two different articles and the date which that article was printed. This is Sunday or weekly news the second is the reprint. In fact there is one article that has 26 publications some printed in different states and on different dates.
I hope you actually take the time to enjoy the site, this is a database of giant humans and animals the claims here are more than extraordinary, so i set extraordinary goals and make extraordinary challenges for my readers. I challenge you to find these “two: articles and bring me back the info so i can get the full info, so that others will enjoy this story as well.
I have put together a database showing giants found in every state in the united states, does that meet the criteria for extraordinary? Robert Wadlow is said by Guinness, Ripley’s, and Wiki to be “the tallest person that ever lived for whom there is irrefutable evidence for”, until i made two youtube videos that document 1000 ancients that were 9 feet tall. I would call that extraordinarily refuted. I don’t call the articles “facts”, this is a database of evidences which points to the fact that all life is shrinking, degenerating, and suffering entropy, . . . devolution happens.