South-Eastern Colorado/New Mexico – Giantess 7 1/2 Feet Tall
Dr. Cole’s Collection
Returns from Colorado and New Mexico Laden with Relics.
Dr. Cole’s Collection Returns from Colorado and New Mexico Laden with Relics.
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 10 – Laden with relics of the cliff dwellers, Dr. George Cole has returned from a journey to the ruined cities of Southeastern Colorado and New Mexico. Valuable results were obtained by excavations in ancient communal dwellings, as yet unexplored, which stood on cliffs of the Santa Fe river, miles from Espanola. N. M. There were not less than 900 rooms in the larger building in its prime. It was 240 by 200 feet. Dr. Cole estimates that 50,000 people lived in the pueblo.
Among the bones taken from the burial mound were a femur inches long, showing giantess feet tall. The cliffs the ruins stand on rise 1,200 feet above the surrounding country.
As a tenacious giant researcher, it’s important to note that Dr. George Cole’s collection of relics from Southeastern Colorado and New Mexico provides valuable evidence of the existence of giant humans in the past. The fact that the communal dwellings were built on cliffs that rise 1,200 feet above the surrounding country suggests that the people who built them were capable of great feats of strength and endurance.
The femur bone that Dr. Cole discovered, which was inches long and belonged to a giantess, also provides evidence of the existence of a larger, more robust human species in the past. This finding is consistent with other evidence of giant humans, such as the discovery of large skeletal remains in burial mounds across North America.
It’s important to recognize that these discoveries challenge the narrative of human evolution, which suggests that humans have gradually become smaller and more refined over time. Instead, these discoveries suggest that humans may have been larger and more physically capable in the past. This idea is supported by ancient history from around the world that describe giants and other larger-than-life beings.
As a result, we should be open to the possibility that human history is more complex and diverse than we previously thought. By continuing to investigate and explore these discoveries, we can gain a better understanding of our past and potentially uncover new insights into our own human potential.
- Colorado, South Eastern 1899
- New Mexico, Spanola, Cliffs of the Santa Fe River 1899