Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Slieve Mor, Ireland Giants

Forgotten Part of Ireland.

To illustrate old-time Irish life in that part of Ireland separated from the mainland by a narrow strip of sea where mingle the waters of Clew bay and Black sod, and which is

called Achill Island, the writer of this sketch can adduce much evidence. Slieve Mor, within the Ireland, at its  name of “big mountain” by raising its

head only a few feet that of its neighbor and rival, Crochaum, which, almost,


2000 feet high, with the tips of its toes in the ocean, has some of the finest cliff scenery in Europe. The “big mountain which represents a conical appearance when viewed from the island, impresses the spectator from the sea with the conviction that half its mass must have one time slipped into the Atlantic, which roars and tumbles around it. It shelters from the Atlantic storms a beautiful village called the “colony” or settlement which calls for further mention. Further inland there is a large space sacred to Irish archaeologists, containing in the shape of a Druid’s alter various cromlechs and stone circles, some of the most interesting archaeological remains in Ireland. Keltic scholarship has not yet said the last word on these wonders of a dim antiquity, but there is a consensus of opinion to claim this, as a pagan cemetery “Where lie the mighty bones of Ancient men”. Some years ago, while excavations were being made in the neighborhood, human bones of giant proportions were unearthed and were immediately carried off by a gentleman of antiquarian tastes who happened to be about the place. On the evening of that day a storm, such as rarely visits even the storm swept island, was let loose. The frightened villagers assembled in council and sent a hurried deputation after the profaner to have the bones returned as laid rest once more.

The Intermountain Catholic., October 16, 1909, Page 6, Image 6
About The Intermountain Catholic. (Salt Lake City [Utah] 😉 1899-1920

researched by Chris L Lesley


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