Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Skeleton of Giant Proportions

Skeleton of Giant Proportions Giant Proportions

Raftsman's journal., December 19, 1855, Image 1 cllFacts For Indian History.- giant proportions

It is stated that while some workmen were excavating for a cellar in Concord N.H. , they discovered nine skeletons within a space of ten feet. They are supposed to be the remains of some of the ancient Pennacooks, who once inhabited the region, and must have been buried about one hundred and fifty years ago. Six of the skeletons were those of children and three of adults, one of whom was of giant proportions. Giant Proportions

So much for the past. The exploring expedition as our readers have been informed, recently discovered in the South Pacific a new race of Indians, called Techuccis, (if the papers spell correctly,) who are said to be a warlike race, that owe no allegiance to a foreign power, are characteristically provident, and have no knowledge of a Supreme Being. So much for the present and future.

Raftsman’s journal., December 19, 1855, Image 1 CLL/GAWM


Giant Proportions

LARGE SKELETON FOUND No Clue To The Mystery Uncovered at Henniker New Hampshire. Indian Graves in Concord. N. H.-In excavating recently, says the Congregational Journal, for a cellar of a new house, a few rods west of the dwelling of Richard Bradley, Esq., at the north end of this city, nine skeletons of Indians have been exhumed in a space about ten feet square. They are supposed to be the remains of some of the ancient Pennacooks who once inhabited this region, and probably have been buried at least a century and a half. Among these were skeletons of six children, three of whom were around that of an adult, supposed to be their mother, and one very large, measuring six feet and three inches. The bones of this giant were of remarkable preservation. The skull is very thick, the teeth in both jaws are entire, and all of them double. The skeletons were found enclosed in bark, in a sitting posture, with some of their long, black hair still preserved. The bones of the children were much decayed. Dr. William Prescott, of this city, has preserved the largest skeleton, which may be seen in his cabinet.-N. Y. Observer.

The discovery of nine Indian skeletons in Concord, New Hampshire has yielded some fascinating insights into the history of the region. These skeletons are believed to belong to the ancient Pennacook people who once inhabited the area, and are thought to be at least a century and a half old. Among the remains was the skeleton of a giant, measuring an impressive six feet and three inches in height.

The bones of this giant were of remarkable preservation, with the skull being particularly thick and the teeth in both jaws being intact and double. The fact that the skeletons were found in a sitting posture, enclosed in bark, with some of their long black hair still preserved, suggests that the people who buried them had a unique burial ritual or tradition.

Dr. William Prescott of Concord has preserved the largest skeleton in his cabinet, allowing it to be studied and examined by researchers and historians. The discovery of these skeletons has the potential to provide valuable insights into the lives and customs of the Pennacook people, and may shed light on their diet, lifestyle, and beliefs.

It is important that these skeletons are treated with the respect they deserve, and that any research or analysis is carried out in an ethical and responsible manner. By studying these ancient remains, we can gain a better understanding of the rich history and culture of the indigenous people who once inhabited the region.

