Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Siskiyou County – More than 10 Feet

27 Skeletons Ranging in Size, all Giants

J.C Brown, trained geologist, in 1904 employed by the Lord Cowdray Mining Company of London, England was hired to prospect for gold and precious metals. A stone blocking a cave was removed and set out to explore the cave.
Three miles in he struckĀ  gold-bearing ore in a cross section, farther on it appeared that an ancient race had apparently mined copper. He had found 13 statues of copper and gold. And then he came upon one chamber that had 27 skeletons, the smallest of which was 6’6″ and the largest stretching out more than 10 feet. Two of the bodies were mummified, clad in colorful ornate robes. He planned to returnĀ  and sealed up the entrance once more.

This article is a stub, as are most articles of great explorations in remote areas. Deserts, mountains and canyons have many tales that speak of lost buried treasure, legends and rumors of riches as vast s the tombs of Egypt. What this story does have going for it is a professional geologist, and his first hand eyewitness account but as he didnt take even one of the statues, where we can see it today (that we know of) i am hesitant.

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