Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Santiago de los Cabaleros – Skeletons of Very Large Stature: Giants


the ancient city just juet discovered in guatemala Is ia located upon the large estate of don manuel J alvarado at the toot foot of the volcano de agua and about a mile and a halt half east of theares the pree ent village of santiago de loo IOB caballeros on several occasions the owner 0 w D er of the estate had bad noticed articles having a strong resemblance to the do bestic utensils of the north american indians as he had bad read of rap pt arance at the period of the discover discovery y of this part of the new BOW world this fact finally led to SA an excavation and at g p depth of grobl is to edg eighteen atee 0 4 00 feet there were unearthed a number of interesting articles such as an domestic utensils ute neile faience vessels veRe elB engraved and fancy painted glasses glasse vases and kitchen pots pote all in good preservation besides these there were onyx axes hammers swords knives and lance jance head in fact the whole series of weapons in uee lo in pre columbian times seemed to be represented aang along with these there was a great number of painted clay idols fine pearls pearle turquoise ss sou and other precious stones among the latter wits was one of a magnificent green color palled called by the natives worn only by priti printices ces one of the glasses was ornamented in colors the statues carved in black basalt banale displayed great artistic skill and are considered all the more remarkable from the fact that it is believed their sculptors had only stone implements this conclusion has been arrived at from the fact that so lar no trace of metal has been found in the excavation and it is therefore held that the buried city belonged tu to the tone stone age further developments may modify this view at a depth of five feet the workmen came on the walls of the houses of the buried city at the level of the floor of these they discovered a mass of human skeletons skeleton some in sitting postures some lying on their backs and some on their faces among the skeletons skeleton were kome bode of very large stature almost indicating them to have been giants giant the position of the skeletons and in fact the whole condition of the ruins says the now new york telegram point to the conclusion that the city was suddenly swallowed up by an earthquake 22 further excavations lations are being made by the proprietor of the estate who has become deeply interested in the investigation

  1. Deseret Weekly | 1893-12-09 | Page 10 | Another Ancient Town

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