Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Santa Fe – Giant Stone Axes

Notes of Interest
From State Museum

(special correspondence to morning journal)
Santa Fe, Jan. 12. Gerry A. Kelley, of Worcester, Mass., has become a member of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico.
F. W. Hodge, of Washington, D. C, at the head of the Bureau of American Ethnology, writes as follows regarding the latest number of “Old
Santa Fe”: “Just a line to say that the issue of ‘Old Santa Fe’ has a fine lot of very valuable material. I do not see how anybody Interested in the most interesting section of the United States, from an historical point of view, can afford to be without your excellent magazine.
John Cotton Dana, librarian of the Free Public, library of Newark, N. J., writes to Kenneth M. Chapman, of the school: “Your study of the bird in decorative art in the December- number of Art and Archaeology is very wonderful and most fascinating.
Looking at it I am moved to ask if you did not redraw all these designs in large sheets, and then to ask if by any chance we could, on some proper occasion, borrow these designs. We are going to buy extra copies of Art and Archaeology and cut the article out and mount it on. a number of sheets. This Is, as you know, of interest and value not only as a story of the development of decoration; It is also of interest to every one who cares at all for design and especially to one who is attempting to adapt design forms of any kind whatever.”
Vivid and instructive are the pictures and articles In the latest number of the Bulletin of the Pan-American, Union to reach the museum library. To look at the fine views, for Instance,
of scenes in Montevideo Is to become convinced that the South American capitals are so much like Los Angeles, or Washington, D. C, or Cleveland, O., that there Is practically no difference. Again, the pictures of towns and cities whose very names are. unknown to
the world at large,’ is to realize that in South America there are scores of
places of 20.000 or 50,000, or even 100,000, inhabitants that are as new as the newest boom city in the United Mates. The present number is an Uruguay number, but in addition to the Uruguay articles, has an illustrated monograph on the emerald mines of Colombia, which produce the greatest . portion of the world’s emerald supply; on Iquitos, the center of the rubber trade, a town along the head waters of the Amazon that is growing rapidly and today has about the same population as Albuquerque; an essay on The Importance of South Ameri can Trade”; while in the scries of pa pers on “Sculptors of the, Americas,’ most beautifully treated, this number reviews the life and works of Charles Henry Niehaus. There is a wealth of other material that helps to make the magazine one of the most Interesting that comes to the library table.
The American Indian Museum reports the excavation of a mound at
Tioga Point, near Ray re. Pa., in which the skeletons of sixty-eight giants were found, the indications being that they were buried at least 800 years. The average height of the men was seven feet, but many were taller. Huge
stone axes were found with the bones.
Americans have purchase I the historic chateau in France which was the birthplace of Marquis de Lafayette, and will turn it into a museum to be a complement of the Mount Vernon Washington home, just as the San Diego museum is a complement of the New Mexico museum.

Albuquerque morning journal. [volume], January 13, 1917, CITY EDITION, Page Six, Image 6

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