Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Santa Elena peninsula & Imbabura – Frightening Race of Giants

Juan de Velasco
For his part, Juan de Velasco, an Ecuadorian Jesuit, highlighted in his Historia Antigua del Reyno de Quito of 1789 that “Manta was at the beginning of the Christian era the theater of the frightening race of giants” and detailed the spectacular sizes of skeletons and traces found in the current ManabĂ­, Santa Elena peninsula and in the territories of the Caranquis, of Imbabura belong to the same giants referenced in the biblical texts.

These testimonies are corroborated by the most recent findings of another priest, Father Carlos Miguel Vaca, which coincide with other identical discoveries throughout the world. Changaimina, the Cemetery City of the Gods remains hidden, despite the testimonies of explorers and archaeologists. Contemporary science still owes humanity an explanation. giant skeleton.

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