San Pedro Skeleton of Unusual Stature
Grading Machine Unearths Skeleton of Huge Indian
SAN PEDRO, March 10. – The skeleton of an Indian was uncovered at White’s Point this afternoon by a grading machine. The skeleton was that of a man of unusual stature, with an abnormally large head and thickness of skull.
1. Los Angeles Herald [microform]. (Los Angeles [Calif.]), 1 March 1909.Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress
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Aboriginal Giant Found

Aboriginal Giant Found. San Pedro, Cal., March 11. – The skeleton of an Indian was unearthed at White’s Point today by men operating a street grading machine. It was that of a man of unusual stature, with abnormally large head and thickness of skull, and gave evidence of having been buried many years. GAWM
- The News-Record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County Or.), 17 March 1909. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress<>