Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Saint John’s County – Skull fragment 1/2 inch in thickness

Skeletons Unearthed.

St. AuR-ustioe Weekly.
While excavatina; for the St. Georire street sewer this week, the shovelers unearthed a large quantity of human bones in the center of the street directly in front of the residence of Mr. Sjwar. Tliese oor relics of mortality were
thrown to the’ surface from a depth of four or five feet, and consisting of thigh hones, pieces skull. well-preserved teeth. Ac, specimens of which may be seen at the Spear mansion. In the collection is a piece of skull nearly a half-inch in thickness. A kitchen knife ground to a point and without handle, and several rusty spikes were thrown up with the yellow bones. It ia said the entire eastern margin of Maria Sanchez Creek, between King and Bridge streets, was at one time a vast burial eround for a race tliat must have
existed here prior to the Spanish times. i long ago a gentleman, residing on
south St. George street, conceived the notion that a salt-water bath would be the proper thing in his back yard. Load after load of eoquina blocks were hauled to the spot, when everything was in reailiuesa, shovelers were employed to throw up the) earth. A few hours of steady digging exposed to view a dozen or more human skeletons, and it is needleaa to say that the project of a salt-water bath in that quarter was un ceremoniously abandoned.
The number of skeletons disturbed by the shovelera this week on St. George
street could not be tens than ten, and at leant a half docen were exposed to view within the door-yard of the Spear man sion, were a connecting sewer ia being LAKE C0X0.

  1. The Palatka daily news., June 02, 1887, Image 1

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