Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Preble County – One was of a Giant


Preble County Man Unearths
Dones of a Trio of Dead
Eaum. O., July 9. Three skeletons.
In an exceptionally good state of pre
servation, have been unearthed by
Perry Myers on his farm, one mile
south of Lewlsburg. These bone
forma are representative of the In
dian race, according to physiologists
who have made an examination. The
three skeletons are particularly Inter
eating because of their size, and one
especially Is that of a man of powerful
physique. The Jaw bones plainly show
ed the Indian wldeness and character
Istle angularity. The posture main
tained by the skeletons when unearth
ed Indicates that they must have been
sitting with both arms outstretched.
Hart) en tne Minister’s Wire.
A Scottish minister bad returned
heme) from long holiday trip on
which he had been accompanied by hi
wife. At prayer meeting shortly aft
erward an elder offered np thanks for
t&g minister’s safe return, bnt unfor
tanateiy put bis foot In It 0 Lord.”
$ laid. we thank thee for bringing
ear pastor safe home, and his dear
trtTfc toe, O Lord, for tho jjreaerveet
ran and beastT

  1. The Richmond palladium and sun-telegram. [volume], July 09, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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