Pasadena 8 footers
Maine Professor believes remains found at Pasadena of Ancient Origin – Human skulls and bones uncovered in the shell mounds at the Pasadena estates by workmen Friday are thought to be the Indian tribe that roamed in this section of the country hundreds of years before America’s discovery by white men, is the opinion of Prof. Norman Wallace Lermond, curator and librarian of the Knox Academy of Art and Science, Thomaston, Me., who is wintering here.
Giant Race
Lermond who is also editor of the Maine naturalist journal, a monthly periodical, examined examined the bones in the downtown offices of the Pasadena Estates, late Saturday afternoon and in his preliminary inspection volunteered the belief that one of the two skulls in the possession of Jack Taylor was that of a man over eight feet tall.
Further examination of the bones will be made by the Maine scientist and he beklieves that considerable data of importance will be gathered within the next week. The bones were in an excellent state of preservation. They were encased in clay-like receptacles that crumbed at the touch. The skulls however, were solid. The jaws were square and massive, the teeth whole and void of cavities. The cheek bones were high.
Foreheads High
Sand had worked its way into several of the large arm and leg bones during the course of time, while one of the skulls were lined with a heavy mold. The foreheads were high and not receding as would be expected of age-old human remains.
Professor Lermond displayed a keen interest in the find and asked permission to keep for several days the bones uncovered at Pasadena. The shell mounds were torn down by negro laborers who used the shells surfacing the roads. Startled by their finds, the negroes refused to continue their work when the bones were uncovered.
Sunday, DECEMBER 24, 1922
Research done by Rephaim23
~Chris L Lesley / GAWMuseum
To whom it may concern,
Are the giant skeleton remains found at the Pasadena Estates on display in the Thomaston Maine area? Is there any other publications and or abstracts on the findings of the remains or the mound?
Thank – you in advance for your assistance.
Best regards,
Daniel McCormick
Thanks for the interest, Not that i am aware of. Bottom line is: if it confirms a pantheistic direction for religion, (evolutionism) and a more controlled direction knowledge (Communism) it is displayed. There is no way a government funded museum will display evidence for giants. It does not fit the story-telling. We expect some things to slip through the cracks of the knowledge filter, and some already has. I am local to the Jacksonville Florida so i can follow up locally, but we need field agents to follow up thoroughly in different areas then report back. If anything new comes up i will add to this that info.
~Chris L Lesley/GAWMuseum