Otter Tail County, Eight Feet Tall
Giant’s Skeleton at Fergus Falls
Fergus Falls, Minn., June 29. – A giant skeleton has been unearthed on the farm of County Commissioner Thore Glende, in the town of Everts. The jaw bone and the teeth were in a fair state of preservation, and the teeth were nearly twice the size of an ordinary man’s teeth. Tourists from St. Louis secured the bones and sent them to scientists in that city. It is supposed the remains are those of a prehistoric man.
Verification and Peer review:
1) The word “giant” was used twice in this article:
2) Peer reviewed by a person of high political position. (County Commissioner)
3) County Commissioner was named: (Thore Glende).
4) The bones were well preserved, “The jaw bone and the teeth were in a fair state of preservation”
5) a measurement: “the teeth were nearly twice the size of an ordinary man’s teeth”
6) Peer reviewed by Scientists from Missouri.
7) Location of where the bones ended up: St Louis.
8) Arrival of bones in St. Louis Missouri should be just before June 29, 1915.
Grand Forks daily herald., June 29, 1915, page 4
This article gives a lot of clues for Giant Hunters to follow: Good Hunting!
Chris L Lesley