Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Ohio County – Men Eight Feet Tall


A building in Elm Grove, at Loring Place, now stands on the site of a terrible battle fought between a civilized but defenseless race and a more barbarous nation. The excavation for the foundation of the building opened nearly 100 graves, and the relics exhumed have shed light on the character and customs of prehistoric Americans. The bones found last summer at Elm Grove indicate that humans eight feet tall once roamed the local forests. The skull formation of these individuals suggests a higher degree of civilization than that of the Native American Indians who succeeded them. The relics tell the tale of struggles against a barbarous foe, whose furious attacks and ravages resulted in the total extermination of a race that was more civilized but less able to defend itself. Although the relics themselves are of little importance, the lessons they teach are great.

Lessons from the study of the native races of America are important, and the relics uncovered at Loring Place have added many important lessons to the scientific study of prehistoric peoples. In creating the new school building, the service of phrenology, which gave us a very clear understanding of the individual character of the race buried at Loring Place, was not considered. The skulls found were much larger than the average Caucasian skull, measuring 24 inches around above the ears and eyes, suggesting that these prehistoric Americans were physically larger than modern humans.

The relics found at Elm Grove provide insight into the character and customs of prehistoric Americans. They show that these people were not savages, but rather a more civilized and advanced race that yielded to a more warlike and barbarous nation. The hundreds, and very likely thousands, of graves at Elm Grove tell the story of a fierce struggle and death. It is unfortunate that the relics from these graves were not taken care of and placed in the school building for the edification of future generations.

The opening of the graves and unearthing of the skeletons in the excavations at Loring Place in Elm Grove caused no unusual interest because of vague traditions about the frequent digging up of human bones by farmers in the area. It is interesting to note that the average prehistoric American was eight feet tall, whereas a modern American of today is around five feet six inches tall.

Editor’s Note: The following article was written by a highly skilled archaeologist who has conducted a long and comprehensive study of the objects found at Elm Grove. His conclusions are so logical and clear, and his descriptions are so graphic that the probable correctness of his reasoning is apparent. The News is privileged to publish his article.

The article “MEN EIGHT FEET TALL ONCE ROAMED IN LOCAL FORESTS” is an interesting and thought-provoking piece about the discovery of the bones of prehistoric humans in Elm Grove, West Virginia. The relics found at Loring Place shed light on the character and customs of prehistoric Americans and suggest that they were physically larger and more advanced than modern humans. The article notes that the skulls of these individuals were much larger than the average Caucasian skull, measuring 24 inches around above the ears and eyes, indicating that they were physically larger than modern humans.

The importance of thorough measurements and the professional eyewitness accounts of the excavation cannot be overstated. The archaeological team responsible for the excavation had to be meticulous in their approach, as any errors or omissions could have had far-reaching consequences for our understanding of prehistoric peoples. The article rightly notes that the relics themselves may not be of great importance, but the lessons they teach us are significant. Through the study of the native races of America, we can gain insights into the character and customs of prehistoric peoples, which can help us understand our own past and present.

The article highlights the fact that the prehistoric Americans were not savages but rather a more civilized and advanced race that yielded to a more warlike and barbarous nation. This provides an important perspective on the history of the region and the struggles that took place between different groups of people. Moreover, the fact that these prehistoric Americans were physically larger than modern humans raises interesting questions about human history and the direction in which it may be heading.

In conclusion, the discovery of the bones of prehistoric humans in Elm Grove, West Virginia, is a fascinating and important chapter in the history of human evolution. The article “MEN EIGHT FEET TALL ONCE ROAMED IN LOCAL FORESTS” offers valuable insights into the character and customs of prehistoric Americans and emphasizes the importance of thorough measurements and the professional eyewitness accounts of the excavation. The lessons we can learn from the relics uncovered at Loring Place are significant, and they provide us with a deeper understanding of our own past and present.

  1. An 1907 article in the Wheeling News helped popularize the ancient giants 

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