Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Oconto County, Little Suamico, 8 Humans over 7 Feet


Marinette. Workmen excavating for a new house at Little Suamico, Brown county, uncovered a small sand plot in which were the remains of eight human beings. The skeletons were much bigger than the average of human beings now and indicate a race of giants of an average height of over seven feet.

The discovery of giant skeletons in Little Suamico, Brown County, Wisconsin, is an intriguing piece of news that could shed light on the existence of a race of giants that once inhabited the Americas. According to the article published in an unknown newspaper, the skeletons were found by workmen who were excavating for a new house. The skeletons were much larger than the average human being, indicating that they may have belonged to a race of giants with an average height of over seven feet.

This discovery may be significant for those who believe in the existence of the Mound Builders, a group of ancient peoples who lived in North America and are said to have built large mounds and structures. The Mound Builders were rumored to be a race of giants, and the discovery of these skeletons could provide evidence to support this claim.

The connection between the giants and the Mound Builders is not new. In fact, there have been many reports of giant skeletons found in mounds across North America. These skeletons have been attributed to the Mound Builders, who are said to have possessed advanced knowledge and skills in construction and engineering.

The discovery in Little Suamico adds to the growing body of evidence that suggests the existence of a lost civilization that predates the Native Americans. This civilization, which some believe may have been Lemurian or Atlantean, is said to have possessed advanced knowledge and skills that were passed down to the Mound Builders.

While the scientific community may not yet accept the existence of a race of giants or a lost civilization, the fascination with these ideas continues to capture the imagination of many. The discovery of the giant skeletons in Little Suamico is a reminder that there is still much we do not know about our past, and that the truth may be stranger than we imagine.

  1. Wisconsin, Oconto County, Little Suamico, 1913.

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