Greater Ancestors

World Museum

NY NY – Unusually Large Bones


Bones and Coins Found 30 Feet Feet Down at
Duane Street and West Broadway.
Workmen excavating  for a sewer yesterday brought to  light what  appears appears to a be a  part of an old burying ground In Duane street near  West Broadway. The
trench in the place where the bones were discovered is about thirty feet below the street
Frank Dempsey Dempey a watchman found
the remains of heavy oak coffin containing unusually large large human
A number of old skulls  were found and some old English coins apparently  dated at 1717.
A number  of the old Manhattan Companys pipes  of  logs bored through were also found.
Old maps map of New York show a negro burying
burying ground at Broadway and  Chambers street a block and a half east of
yesterdays find. Many negroes who died in the smallpox epidemic of 1770 were buried there.

As an advocate for the Mound Builder Giants, this news story provides several interesting clues that suggest the existence of large humans in the past. Firstly, workmen digging for a sewer discovered bones of unusually large human size in an old burying ground in Duane Street near West Broadway. The remains were found in a heavy oak coffin and were located around thirty feet below street level.

Furthermore, the discovery of old English coins apparently dated at 1717 suggests that the burying ground could be very old. The article also mentions the finding of several old Manhattan Company pipes that were bored through logs. Additionally, an old map of New York reveals the existence of a nearby Negro burying ground that was used to bury victims of a smallpox epidemic in 1770.

All of these clues suggest that the discovery of the unusually large human bones could be evidence of a larger human race in the past, which could include the Mound Builder Giants. The discovery of large bones in an old burying ground also raises the question of whether there are other similar sites in the area waiting to be discovered.

  1. The sun. [volume], April 06, 1909, Image 1

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