NW Pittsburgh Prehistoric Giant
Tooth of Prehistoric Human Giant Found
Logansport, Ind., Jan. 8 – Imagine a prehistoric man whose tooth would weigh four ounces, a tooth which would take a wire cable to pull? Such a tooth has been found in a coal bed, more than 600 feet under the ground. The tooth was found about two miles northwest of Pittsburgh, in a coal mine. Dentists claim that, because of certain formations, it could be nothing but a grinder from the head of a prehistoric man. While it is light and appears to be bone, it is in a perfect state of petrification.
The prehistoric giant, who had such a tooth, could easily have opened his mouth twelve inches wide. He must have been about twelve feet in height and able to have taken a six-foot step. It is practically impossible to determine at what age this man lived, but it must have been many years before the birth of Christ because of the depth at which the tooth was found. However, it is possible that the molar could have been placed that deep in mother earth by an upheaval at some time. The coal mine in which it was found has been in operation many years.
The discovery of a prehistoric human giant’s tooth, weighing four ounces and requiring a wire cable to pull, provides fascinating insights into the physical attributes of these ancient beings. This tooth, found more than 600 feet underground in a coal mine near Pittsburgh, is believed to be a grinder from the head of a prehistoric man, given the specific formations it displays. The tooth is in a perfect state of petrification, appearing like bone, yet is light in weight. This discovery supports the possibility that giants once roamed the earth, challenging the notion that such individuals were mere mythical creatures.
The prehistoric giant, who owned such a tooth, must have been capable of opening his mouth twelve inches wide, indicating a thickness of the skull beyond what is observed in modern humans. The tooth’s size and weight, combined with the giant’s ability to take a six-foot step, suggest that he must have been at least twelve feet tall, much taller than the tallest human recorded in modern times. While it is difficult to determine the age of the individual, it is clear that he lived many years before the birth of Christ, given the depth at which the tooth was found. It is essential to consider all evidence when seeking answers, even if it challenges our existing beliefs, and it is disappointing to learn that the scientific community in the 1800s mishandled such findings because they didn’t align with their preferred narrative.
In conclusion, this discovery of a prehistoric giant’s tooth provides valuable insights into the physical attributes of these ancient beings. The size and weight of the tooth, along with the giant’s ability to take a six-foot step and open his mouth twelve inches wide, suggest a significantly different physical makeup than what we observe in modern humans. This evidence challenges the notion that giants were mere mythical creatures and highlights the importance of considering all evidence, even if it challenges our existing beliefs. By doing so, we can gain a more complete and accurate understanding of the world around us.
- The Star and Sentinel – Jan 10, 1917
- 1917.01.10 – The Star and Sentinel