Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Nandua Burial Ground – Skeletons of Giant Size

The place where the treasure is re-ported to have been found is one of the oldest on the eastern shore of Virginia. Two hUndred and fifty years ago it was the seat of the Queen of Nandua, an Indian beauty who ruled over the savage tribes inhabiting that region. Near b. is the burial ground of the Nandua Indians. The creek has cut away the earth till many of the skeletons are exposed to view, and as the bank caves in from time to time the bones fall down into the water and drift with the ebbing tide out into the bay. Some of the sheletons are of giant size, and many of them are buried in coffins that were hewn out of solid logs. These whitening skeletons as they protrude from the side of the cliff present a grim and ghastly spectacle, and rarely can the belated negro be seen in that haunted region after the sun has gone down and the shades of night have fallen on the earth.

This article describes a historical location in Virginia where a treasure was reportedly found, which was once the seat of the Queen of Nandua, an Indian beauty who ruled over the tribes in the area. The burial ground of the Nandua Indians is also located nearby, with many skeletons exposed to view due to erosion. Some of the skeletons are of giant size and are buried in coffins made of solid logs. The location is said to be haunted and rarely visited after dark.

  1. Virginia, Nandua Burial Ground

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