Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Mesa Rica, Giant confirmed

Mesa Rica, Giant confirmed Giant confirmed

Giant Story Confirmed —Will bring the monster to Las Vegas inspection and sale. Giant confirmed

La Voz del Pueblo of Las Vegas has received a letter from Luciana Quintana, on the Mesa Rica. confirmed the story of the unearthing of a human giant skeleton on his premises and says he will bring it to Las Vegas for inspection and sale as soon as he has it wired together. He says the newspapers have not exaggerated the skeleton in any particular.

It is fascinating to come across historical accounts of giant human skeletons that have been discovered all around the world. These findings provide an invaluable insight into the existence of giants and their role in our history. One such discovery was made in Mesa Rica, near Las Vegas, New Mexico, where Luciana Quintana confirmed the unearthing of a human giant skeleton on his property. The Albuquerque daily citizen reported that he would bring the giant skeleton to Las Vegas for inspection and sale as soon as he wired it together.

What is concerning, however, is the lack of attention that these discoveries have received from mainstream archaeologists and historians. It is surprising that such significant findings have been dismissed or overlooked without further investigation. It is possible that such skepticism arises because the findings do not fit with the established view of history. However, as dedicated researchers, it is essential to explore the evidence and uncover the truth about giants and their place in our history.

While the mainstream media may downplay the discovery of giant skeletons, it is crucial to think outside the box and delve deeper into these findings. These accounts offer a glimpse into a world that was vastly different from our own and challenge our preconceived notions of what is possible. As a community, we should embrace these discoveries and encourage further exploration to uncover the truth about giants and their role in our history.

  1. Albuquerque daily citizen. Albuquerque, N.M.February 06, 1902, Page 3,
  2. Research done by Rephaim23

