Maricopa County, Bones of a Giant
The Discovery Made by a Chicagoan.
Theodore H. Butler, with the Calumet Paper company, of Chicago, who spent several days in Phoenix, is now in Tempe for recreation. He worked all day yesterday digging in a mound near the Catholic church, and as a reward for his labor unearthed a great many curiosities, besides skeletons of several children and some bones supposed to be those of a giant. His find consists of teeth, shell jewelry, ear- rings, flint chips, small ollas, wickiup utensils and shells, evidently from the sea. He will prosecute the work for a few days more and in the meantime collect such other specimens as he can find in the vicinity. Mr. Butler has already collected eighteen battleaxes, some of immense size and considerable value. One is of alate, while the remainder are of blue granite. Besides these he has graters and many household and culinary implements.
- Arizona republican., April 05, 1893, Page 2