Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania. Giant Femur
This petrified human femur belonged to an indivdual who was approximately 8 feet tall–based on the rule of height of the femur x 4. These human bones are in shale or slate which geologists claim to be anywhere from 100 million to 1 billion years old. Source:Ed Mahanoy City Mahanoy City
There are only three eight foot people alive today. Out of seven billion people in the world there are only three 8 footers. The tallest man living is Sultan Kösen (Turkey, b.10 December 1982) who measured 251 cm (8 ft 3 in) in Ankara, Turkey, on 08 February 2011. Mankind is shrinking, and not suprisingly so are the animals. That is what the goal of Greater Ancestry is about: showing awareness of the most observable and most verifiable phenomenon of Biology. History is full of people who were eight feet and taller and we bring you countless examples to give you an accurate account of history. Robert Wadlow is said to be the tallest man ever. You can check out two of my videos on youtube that debunk that claim severely. I hope you enjoy the videos, “like” “subscribe” and “comment” while you are there.
100 Ancients taller than Robert Wadlow
and. . .
Another 100 Ancients Taller than Robert Wadlow