Homestead 8 foot skeleton
Expedition Starts to Bring Skeleton From Cape Florida
A party of four Homestead residents left this morning for an isolated key off Cape Sable to gain more data on a skeleton unearthed there over the week-end which they believe will prove that of a prehistorical man eight feet tall. In the group were John and Dave Barns and Buster Roberts, all of whom are familiar with the Cape Sable region and who found the skeleton while on a treasure hunting expedition.
Remains of the skull were brought into the University of Miami yesterday afternoon, but as the school has no anthropologists familiar with races that inhabited Florida before Columbus’ landing, it has not yet been identified. Karl Squires, a Miamian who has done much research work on Florida’s culture, because it was found near the surface, would not be more than 500 years old. He has not yet seen it but hopes to compare it with others he has in his possession and which have been identified. He was inclined to doubt early estimates that the skeleton is eight feet long.
Squires said the skull, which was about three-quarters of an inch thick, quite possibly could be that thick and still belong to a race of Indians here when Columbus landed in the Bahamas.
The find was made when one of the party scratched into the surface with a fork. The peculiar shape of the bones brought immediate attention and the remainder of the skeleton was unearthed. Eyes and ears of the early Floridian were set unusually high in the head, which had a protruding chin and a receding forehead.
- Miami News, Jume 9, 1936, Expedition Starts to Bring Skeleton From Cape Florida.