Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Henrico County – Large Human Bones

5TH and Leigh in Richmond Virginia

Skulls and Other Bones.

Yesterday morning a colored man went to the Second station-house and stated that he had been directed to remove a lot of bones from an old closet in a house on Fifth and Leigh streets. The darky said he had refused to touch them because they looked like people’s bones. Captain Angle inquired into the matter and found two human skulls and several large human bones. It is supposed that they were taken to the house by some medical students long years ago.

The discovery of two human skulls and several large human bones in an old closet in a house on Fifth and Leigh streets is a fascinating find. The fact that they were possibly taken to the house by medical students adds to the intrigue of the discovery. It is unclear how old these bones are or who they belonged to, but they could be of great significance to the field of science.

Preserving skeletons is crucial for studying human anatomy and understanding how our bodies work. The size of these bones could offer valuable information about the physical characteristics of the individual they belonged to. By studying the bones, scientists could potentially learn about the diet, lifestyle, and health of the person. This information could be used to gain a deeper understanding of our human ancestors and how they lived.

Furthermore, the discovery of these bones raises important ethical questions about the treatment of human remains. Medical students and professionals have a responsibility to respect the dignity of the human body, and the discovery of these bones in an old closet raises concerns about the ways in which medical institutions may have historically mistreated human remains.

Overall, the discovery of these bones is a fascinating find that could offer valuable insights into our human history and anatomy. It is essential that they are preserved and studied with care and respect.

  1. Richmond dispatch. [volume], September 25, 1886, Image 1

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