Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Chouteu County – 8 Footer



Discovery of a Body With Legs Eight Feet in Length.

Special to the Globe

Helena, Montana., Feb. 23.–Vital Jarcot, a half-breed, who carries mail between  Fort McGinnis and Rocky Point, brings the news of the discovery of the petrified remains of a giant in the bad land of Choteau county, a few miles below the mouth of the mussel Shell river. The discovery was made by Lata Dona, another half-breed, who start off to find a purchaser for his curiosity before Jarcot could get a complete description. The remains were not complete, showing the petrification had only taken place in a portion of the body, while the remainder had followed the course of nature and returned to dust. One leg was eight feet long, the thigh being measured about four feet. A rib found measured at 2 and a half feet. Petrification is no unusual thing in the badlands of Montana and the Dakotas. Wood in that state is frequently found. The petrified body of an Indian was found in North Dakota about a year ago. Jarcot, who brings the story was perfectly sober. 8 footer 8 footer

Research done by Rephaim23

~Chris L Lesley/GAWMuseum

