Grutte Pier’s Giant Sword
The undeniable SWORD OF A GIANT
Frisians are regarded to be on average the tallest people in the world. That is: Dutch people are the tallest as a nation and Frisians, who live in the north of the country, are the tallest in the land.
Monsterous in size to any Modern Man
Here’s the sword of Frisian freedom fighter Grutte Pier (around 1500) who was said to have been a giant. The sword is on display in the Frisian museum in Leeuwarden: The sword measures 2.15 metres (just over 7 feet) in length and weighs about 6.6 kilograms.
2.15m= 8441⁄64in / 7 feet and 0.6455 inches.
Fries museum in Leeuwarden 1953.
The sword is kept in the museum of the city of Leeuwarden Friesland, Netherlands.
The Blade has the stamp “Inri” (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews)
The handle is made of oak and covered with goat skin in one piece, taken from the leg, that is, there is no seam.
Photos from Frizkogo Museum in Leeuwarden large sword and a helmet, which is stored in the Municipality of the city of Sneek.
Personally, it was a big surprise for me because of my family history. It was said to me as a child that we has a sword displayed in England from my mother’s side “Austin” . One of my ancient family members has a sword so large that it takes 6 people to carry the sword and case. I am curious to know if it takes 6 people to carry this sword and the heavy glass case. The story of my family’s sword is made more real to me after seeing this sword from the Netherlands in this enormous glass case. If you have any more new information on this sword please contact me by email