Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Gonzolas County Texas – Skeleton of a Giant


A Giant Skeleton.

If any credence can be given to the Calvert Central Texan, people in that part of Texas are considerably exercised over the unearthing of the skeleton of a giant near Smiley’s Crossing, on the Brazos. It says that the kneecap, under jaw or chin piece, and one tooth “were brought to town, and after examination were pronounced by some to be those of a human being. The tooth measured from nine to eleven inches in length and six inches across the surface, the enamel of the tooth being well preserved, and it having two roots, and all presenting the appearance of a human molar tooth. The kneecap and chin were only partially preserved, and were in the possession of some gentlemen who intend taking them to Alabama. The kneecap could hardly be forced to fit on the knee of an ordinary man, and a rough measurement of the shin-bone indicated that the person to whom it belonged must have been about 12 or 15 feet in height. “It is almost,” adds the cautious chronicler, “if not quite unreasonable to suppose this to be the remains of a human being, but we do not undertake to say it is not.”

The Dead Giant of Texas.

If any credence can be given to the following story from the Calvert Central Texan, there must have been at some remote period in the past a race of giants in that State which eclipsed the ancient Anakims. The people in that part of Texas are considerably exercised over the unearthing of a skeleton of one of the giants near Smiley’s crossing on the Brazos.

The knee-cap, under jaw or chin-piece, and one tooth were brought to town and after examination were pronounced by some to be those of a human being. The tooth measured from nine to eleven inches in length and six inches across the surface, the enamel of the tooth being well-preserved and having two roots, and all presenting the appearance of a human molar tooth. The knee-cap and chin were only partially preserved and were in the possession of some gentlemen who intend taking them to Alabama. The knee-cap could hardly be forced into a large carpet-sack.

The skeleton is now lying at Baily’s store, we understand, near where it was unearthed, and measures fifteen feet from the knee joint to the tip of the shoulder. It is almost, if not quite, unreasonable to suppose this to be the remains of a human being, but we do not undertake to say it is not. Whatever it is, it was a monster in life: and from the appearance of the jaw, we conclude it could have swallowed a good-sized man with ease.

Some of our citizens are going out to examine it more closely, and we hope to have something more definite concerning this strange animal.

  1. The Somerset press. [volume] (Somerset, Ohio) 1873-1977, February 19, 1875, Image 4​
  2. Public ledger. [volume], December 14, 1874, Image 1
  3. The Elk County advocate. [volume], February 18, 1875, Image 4

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