Giant’s bones found in Silver Springs
Left, arrowheads with holes drilled in them, possibly to hold poison. Below, skeleton of a woman believed to have belonged to a race of giants. A diver holding an old musket he found in a deep spring in Florida.
Remains of what is believed to have been a prehistoric race of American giants were discovered not long ago by divers who descended to the bottom of Silver Springs, near Ocala, Fla. The human skeletons, found in a submerged burial chamber, were so large that persons who viewed them expressed the belief that the men of the primitive race attained a height of seven feet. Along with the bones, said to have lain undisturbed for 2,500 years, were discovered many tools, weapons, and ornaments. Among the finds were clay pots and idols, bone needles, flint arrowheads, and fragments of jewelry. The springs also yielded one relic of more recent date, a seventeenth-century flint-lock musket that may have been used by a Spanish explorer. A search for mastodon fossils (P. S. M., Oct. ’33, p. 41) led to the discovery of the human remains as exploration was continued in the depths of the springs.
When the plunger is pressed on a new face powder container, the right amount of powder for one make-up operation is sprayed on a puff. The plunger expels the powder in a fine mist, much as an atomizer sprays liquid. The stream of powder is easily directed where it is wanted. When carried in this container, powder is kept from sifting through the other contents of a handbag, as it sometimes does when an ordinary compact is used.
Laying down a smoke screen of poison dust was the method of fighting locust swarms tried out in Rhodesia, Africa, recently. Fine sodium arsenite was scattered from a huge tri-motored plane just ahead of the flying insects. The dust formed deadly clouds that killed the locusts.
- Popular Science November 3, 1934
- Research done by Rephaim23
