Giant Skeletons Found in Georgia Indian Mound
A Most Interesting Collection of Prehistoric Bones in America
This is the account of a skeleton documented of a height of 7 foot 2 inches that was found in a burial mound. The hair was still present it was thick, jet black, and course on the brow was a large copper crown. The body was preserved very well which made the removal easy without any complications. The burial mound contained a vault in which the body of the large skeleton was contained, the skeletons of several children were present also. The vault contained writing, and the skeleton was preserved in the style of mummification. The bodies were wrapped in a strange type of netting.
The tomb was covered by a layer of well carved well quarried flagstones, which surmises that not only was this an important individual bu that he was from a very advanced culture.
The Smithsonian Institute set up a committee to open the headed by a Mr. Hazelton, along with Mr. J.B. Boomer the other names are unknown.
. Upon the stones that covered the vault were carved inscriptions,
The Smithsonian Institution has not been transparent on this issue, it seized the bones, and refuses to display or acknowledge them. The Tomb that was seized is hidden by the institution and hoards the true history of America’s past without deciphering these inscriptions for the public.
~Chris L Lesley
A RACE OF GIANTS. New York Correspondence Detriot Free Press. The Washington Post Mar 16, 1884; A Most Interesting Collection of Prehistoric Bones in America
Remarkable Relics of an Extinct Race Excavated in Georgia. The Middlebury Kentucky News. December 30, 1930 SKELETONS OF GIANTS Remarkable Relics of an Extinct Race Excavated in Georgia Fritz Zimmerman: The Nephilim Chronicles, Angels in the Ohio Valley