Giant Fossil Algae 140x larger
A team of researchers from University of Lucknow have found out
–a giant size fossil–
five kilometers from Jodhpur in Sursagar mines region, Rajasthan.
The discovery of the giant size fossil has opened a new window to understand . . . . life on earth.
This is considered to be the largest non-carbonaceous plant fossil.
It is around 140 times bigger than today’s algae species.
It has physical characteristics of Vaucheriacean plant. Vaucheriacean plant is a type of yellow-green algae found in fresh or marine water.
The research team has also addressed the media regarding their findings. According to one of the researcher, the plant fossils contain carbon . .
He has also said that it is rare to find fossils which are non-carbonaceous or lacking carbon contents.
These mega plant fossils imply a high possibility of presence of hydrocarbons in the Marwar Basin as the Vaucheriacean plants are known to reserve oil as food material. The fossils are visible in naked eye and are being kept under proper preservation.
Giant Fossil Algae: This just goes to show you that there are no plants, or animals that are not represented in giant form from the fossil record. From the largest whale to the smallest microbe, now algae and it will not be long before all algae species are represented in the fossil record with a greater ancestor.
Plant fossil found near Jodhpur
Submitted by Ashok Rao on Fri, 04/23/2010 – 00:05.
yes i must agree with you on this one
marvellous analysis
Is that the correct picture? What I see looks like a palmately compound leaf of an angiosperm. i.e. a flowering plant that would have evolved long after algae showed up on Earth.
I also checked out your source,, and it doesn’t seem to say anything different than you. I still question what I’m seeing. In fact, it looks like you, Ashok Roa, are the author to both sites. Please give us more information to validate this claim!
I take it you work for a government education center? First i don’t subscribe to government-endorsed-pantheism. The difference between you and i is that i question the unification of this illusive singularity you call nature. Many ideas formulas and ideas of evolution are incorrect with little substance only memorized and repeated. I am not Ashok Roa. Not evolved but “devolved” evolution means to unroll,while devolution means to roll. Evolution has been weighed and found wanting, I do believe i can convince you that greater-ancestry is a greater model than common-ancestry.
This fossil is in my private collection, from the Eocene of France.
This fossil is in my collection; it’s a leaf of angiosperm. It is found several years ago in France, inside a volcano that was active during the Miocene. Absolutely it is not a giant algae…This new is completely a fake!