Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Giant Footprints from Arkansas

A Race of Giants

GIANT FOOTPRINTS FROM ARKANSAS Referring to an article which originally appeared in the “Arkansas Democrat” concerning the discovery of prehistoric footprints near Eureka Springs, A.A. Powe, South McAlester, I.T., writes the “Fort Smith News-Record” as follows: Several years ago I was shown a number of similar footprints on a sandstone ledge in the western part of the Creek Nation. The tracks I refer to are very distinct, some of them being an inch deep, showing a perfect outline of the human foot There a number of them of apparently of a man, a woman, and a child. They are about a I mile east of the town of Sapuipa and are on the edge of a high bluff overlooking a valley The tracks appear to have been made by moccasined feet as are those mentioned your Eureka Springs correspondent. Those of the man and woman are very large, are well proportioned and if the persons who made them so many thousands of years ago as large in proportion they must have been fifteen or twenty feet high and weighed at least a ton, while the baby that was probably hanging on its mastodon mother’s skirt must have weighed three or four hundred pounds. At the time I discovered these tracks I wrote to the

It has already begun.

Smithsonian Institution, telling of them and received a reply saying that such tracks are of frequent occurrence in the sandstone ledges or the Southwest and in Colorado and clearly indicated the existence of a race of very large peosmithsonianknowledgeple at about the same I time the behemoth and mastodon dwelt in the land. But there are other and perhaps more modern evidences of a race of giants which once inhabited this part of the continent. Mr. A.M. Stewart, secretary of the Consolidated McAlester Coal Companies, has in his office in this city the jawbone of a man who was undoubtedly of enormous size. This bone is almost perfect and has nine of the teeth remaining. It is spants on firesmithsonianix and one fourth inches across and seven inches the other way, being nearly three times as large the jawbone of an ordinary man. It was found by a miner in one of the company mines at WiIburton, at a depth of nearly 500 feet, and is indeed a curiosity. Mr Stewart uses it as a paper weight, and it never fails to arrest the attention of visitors” -The Arkansas Democrat

The evening times., July 08, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

About The evening times. (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1902

Thanks to Andrew Owens for the text corrections.


