Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Gasparilla Island – 7 Footer


Discovery May Have Bearing on Theories of Section’s Inhabitation Before Arrival of Spanish. 

By the Associated Press.

BOCA GRANDE, Fla., February 14. – Discoveries of skeletal remains here which may have an important bearing on theories of a giant race believed to have inhabited the Florida west coast before the coming of the Spaniards were made yesterday by workmen grading the island road near the Charlotte and Lee County lines.

The discoveries include a skull and a femur or thigh bone, both so highly mineralized as to be almost pure silica and limestone and kept from crumbling only by immersing in gelatin solution before measurements could be taken.

The bones are thought to be those of a male and indicated, according to local authorities, a probable height of not less than seven feet.

The specimens will be sent to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

Unveiling the Hidden Truth: Giant Skeleton Discovered on the Florida Coast

Introduction: In the realm of extraordinary discoveries, few can rival the excitement and intrigue surrounding the recent unearthing of skeletal remains on the coast of Florida. These remarkable findings have ignited a firestorm of speculation and debate, hinting at a forgotten chapter in our history—one that challenges conventional beliefs and demands our attention. In this commentary, we delve into the groundbreaking article that sheds light on the existence of giants and the alleged cover-up that followed, urging us to question the narrative and seek the truth that lies buried beneath the surface.

The Article: The article, published by the Associated Press, details the startling discoveries made by workmen grading the island road near the Charlotte and Lee County lines in Boca Grande, Florida. The skeletal remains uncovered here are believed to have profound implications for our understanding of the region’s pre-Spanish habitation. The presence of a skull and a highly mineralized femur or thigh bone, preserved through immersion in a gelatin solution, provides compelling evidence of a giant race that once inhabited the Florida west coast.

Unveiling a Forgotten Race: These discoveries challenge the prevailing historical narrative, offering tantalizing glimpses into a civilization that predates the arrival of the Spaniards. The size and composition of the skeletal remains strongly suggest a stature exceeding seven feet, defying the limits of our traditional perception of human proportions. If substantiated, this finding could revolutionize our understanding of ancient populations and their place in our collective past.

The Alleged Cover-Up: It is disheartening to acknowledge that groundbreaking discoveries, such as the giant skeleton found in Florida, have often faced suppression and dismissal. Whispers of a cover-up by vested interests, seeking to maintain the status quo, have circulated among those who dare to question established narratives. Skeptics argue that such remarkable findings challenge mainstream views, leading to their intentional suppression and confinement within the walls of institutions like the Smithsonian.

Seeking the Truth: As a society, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in our pursuit of truth and open-minded in our exploration of the past. Historical accounts documenting the existence of giants cannot be disregarded without thorough investigation. The Smithsonian Institution’s involvement in the examination of these remarkable specimens raises hope that an unbiased analysis will be conducted, shedding light on the truth behind these extraordinary discoveries.

Looking Ahead: The unearthing of the giant skeleton on the Florida coast serves as a powerful reminder that there are countless mysteries awaiting discovery within our world. It calls for a reevaluation of preconceived notions and an unyielding commitment to uncovering the truth, no matter how unconventional or challenging it may be. By fostering an environment of open inquiry and unbiased research, we can pave the way for a deeper understanding of our shared human history.

In conclusion, the article detailing the discovery of a giant skeleton on the Florida coast beckons us to question the established narratives and explore the untrodden paths of our history. The alleged cover-up surrounding these findings reminds us of the importance of seeking the truth and confronting any efforts to suppress or dismiss extraordinary revelations. Let us embark on this intellectual journey with an unwavering spirit, ready to unravel the secrets that lie within the depths of our past.

  1. BOCA GRANDE, Fla., February 14.
  2. Florida, Gasperilla Island, Lee and Charlotee County, 1925.

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