Fully Eight Feet Oacoma
Relics of Pre-Historic Times
Found in Gravel Pit on
Sioux Reservation
Mitchell, S. D., July 20. Some strange finds have been discovered in a gravel pit east of Oacoma, out on the Sioux reservation. Since the pits have been opened nearly 50 skeletons have been found up to the present time. Most of the skeletons have been found buried from four to eight feet deep, and all in either a sitting or a standing posture. Most of these people seemed to be rather small in stature, much below the height of the ordinary North American Indian.
A few days ago, while digging in the pit, a skeleton of a man fully eight feet in height was discovered. In the immediate vicinity of the burial place, implements of copper and bone were found, and in each of the graves, a copper idol about eight inches in length was discovered. The gravel beds are dry, and when the bones are exposed to the air, they at once crumble to dust.
The Miller press. [volume], July 25, 1907, Image 1