Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Founhope, 8 Foot 6 Giant

The Daily bulletin., September 29, 1882, Image 4


Founhope, 8 Foot 6 Giant

An interesting discovery has been
made. :it Founhope, near Hereford.
Sir. Stone, builder, lias been enga
ged for some time in the restoration
of .St. Mary’s Church there. On
Thursday morning, whilst his men
were excavating beneath the church,
they came upon a brick vault with
an arched roof, aiul in this vault was
i’ou ml a handsome oak collhi of
uxtinoidinary length and breadth.
The Collin crumbled to pieces when
touched, djsclobing a human skeleton
of gigantic proportions, which, when
the air struck it, dissolved into dust.
The length of the body from head to
feet was nearly 8 feet (5 inches, and
the breadth 3 feet 0 inches.

The Daily bulletin., September 29, 1882, Image 4

