Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Ford County – Large Petrified Leg Bone


Nicholas Hanson, who lives eight miles southwest of the city, showed us a petrification, which was the large leg bone of a human being.

Kic Mayrath, who has a claim in section 12, township 27 south, range 26 west, discovered the bones of a man, which is explained in the following note: “The enclosed bones with a lot more at my place, were found while digging a well at a depth of 48 1/2 feet down and 1 foot under the water, and at this date there is a human or monkey skull down there yet, which I tried to get to, but on account of having driven boards into the sand at the bottom of the well I could not get it out without taking the boards out and having my well cave in. The skull is petrified like the bones. Nicholas Hanson being present when I took out the first bones and Col. J. M. Dewess when I took out the last, on July 10th, also found an animal jaw at the depth of 10 1/2 feet. The well is composed on the top of black loam, then alternately sand, layers of gravel, red clay, and goes to show as if it had been under water at one time. Found more or less bones all the way down.”

The eyewitness accounts provided in this article are fascinating and raise important questions about the history of the area. As a giant researcher, I believe that further research is necessary to fully understand the significance of these findings and to advance scientific knowledge. We should approach this investigation with an open mind and a commitment to uncovering the truth about this mysterious petrification and the bones that were discovered.

  1. Dodge City times. [volume], July 19, 1879, Image 8

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