Etowah County Alabama, Giant Skeletons
(Word for word from a County news listing)
D.A. Perkins Sr. died at Leesburg, in Etowah county on the 11th inst.
Mrs. Abel, wife of Mr. Wm. Abel, died at her home near Hoke’s Bluff on the 28th
of March of cancer of the breast. She was a good lady and leaves a kind husband
and children to mourn her departure.
The flood recently unearthed a great many relics of former civilization at
several points along the river banks, but especially on the Green Foster place above and Col. Sam Henry’s place in the Whorton bend. Mr. James Henry who examined some of these curiosities on his father’s place, told us that some of the bones of the human skeletons found were of very unusual proportions,
indicating a larger stature than is now attained by the genus homo.
The Gadsden News
Mr. James F. Henry who discovered
- the bones of the big skeleton on his father’s farm on the bank of the Coosa River near Gadsden, says
- that he could easily place his head in its skull and the bone was half an inch thick.
- The thigh bone was about twenty-two inches in length and three times as large as the bone in an ordinary man.
- The bone from the shoulder to elbow measured about twenty inches; and when all the bones were placed in their proper places they showed that
the owner, when alive, must have been at least twelve feet from the top of
his head to the bottom of his feet.
Two or three of these enormous skeletons were found.
HAUNTED ETOWAH COUNTY, ALABAMA: by Mike Goodson, published 2011
Wow. That’s a very good reconstruction. People that tall, their knee would almost come to the chest of average sized people. This is about the size of the Castelnau giant and other giants reported in France and Spain, the 10 – 12 feet range.
I imagine if some tribes of ancient people “averaged” 11 or 12 feet, you can be sure there were some guys who were reaching 13, 14 15, 16 feet. The average man in United States is about 5 feet 10, but sometimes you see 7 feet tall men, who are 20 -25% taller than the norm.
Anything over 9 or 10 feet for a human would basically qualify as a fairy tale giant in terms of size. 12 – 15 feet are the size of GogMagog, the giant Cormoran, and many true giants in European folk tales. A giant as tall as 15 feet would have knees that would be about eye level with a 5 ft 6 inch man. He would probably weigh over 2,000 lbs and consume over 40,000 calories a day if my estimates are even approximate. That’s about 30-40 lbs of flesh per day.
I have been a fan of ancient “Giants” or quite some time. Where are these giant bones now? In a museum?
You might me surprised at this but its a paleontological secret that museums contain replicas not bones. I have done work for museums, many museums only replicas are displayed. Bones are usually kept in crated and sealed. No matter how many museums you have seen to its very possible you have never seen an actual bone from a paleontological or anthropological dig. The laws under NAPRA are as such if i claimed to have any humanoid bone that i found the government seizes it, there are replicas of giant human bones that are available at the GAWM Museum. As well as other evidences.
Na, unfortunately this is classified, controlled information so it is tough to research but very real
We all know that if the government doesn’t want us to know the true history of man and earth, they will hide/destroy any and all evidence that exposes a truth different than that in which we are taught as we grow up. They have their reasons to hide/destroy/deny the existence of “giants” and we should be asking why they would want to hide information this important. Being a Bible believing Christian, I honestly think that we are being lied to about giants and plenty of other things because if we had truth and knowledge of our real history, then it will expose to the world that the Bible is not just a collection of “fairy tales” and myths, but actual truth/history/and knowledge of our past and beginnings. We also need to know why they are afraid to allow the world to know about and believe in the man known as Christ Jesus, the SON of God.
The Battle of Good vs Evil, Yahweh vs Satan is real also, & involves real, deceived humans, indulging in further deception of their fellows. The invisible princes of the air in the spirit kingdom that opposes Jesus will choose vulnerable people to bamboozle into obedience, for spurious rewards of temporary fortune. Satan thinks to persuade enough silly humans away from their Creator to break His heart, so He’ll cave to his bid for forgiveness towards his own horrific fall into evil…
Very true and amen to the above post! They cover these discoveries to perpetuate a Darwinian worldview. Check the account in the Arizona gazette of giant mummies found in the grand canyon. Hmmm its strange the military has a portion of the grand canyon cordoned off….even to park rangers. Most the points of interests have Egyptian names. The article states there were Egyptian and Asian motifs and artifacts found as well