Delaware Indians speak of Giants
The Indians tell the story of the legends of Allegewi:
The oral traditions of the Delaware and the Sioux Indians tell of a race of “great stature, but cowardly” with whom they entered into conflict. The Allegheny River and Mountains are named after
the Allegewi, but the Iroquois Confederacy drove the giants out of their strong, walled cities, and the Sioux finished them off when they attempted to relocate in what is now Minnesota.
The oral traditions of the Delaware and the Sioux Indians tell of a race of “great stature, but cowardly” with whom they entered into conflict. The Allegheny River and Mountains are named after
the Allegewi, but the Iroquois Confederacy drove the giants out of their strong, walled cities, and the Sioux finished them off when they attempted to relocate in what is now Minnesota.
Native Americans do not claim to be the builders of these structures. In 1870, an old Stockbridge Native American returned to the site of his ancestors for a visit and recounted the following tale. His people had gone west after “much wretchedness” living in the local area. He said his ancestors told his people that they had found these “stone huts” when they first arrived to these lands. They were not comfortable to his people, so they moved across the Ripowam to the high ground to live. Evidence shows that Northeast Native American tribes were not engaged in large scale stone building but did some work with stone and used the chambers for ritual purposes. Researcher Philip Imbrogno had a rare opportunity to spend three weeks with and interview the last living shaman of the Wappinger tribe. His name was “Onawan Tu” which in english translates to “he who walks with the spirits”. Onawan Tu recounted the following ancestral tale of who built the stone chambers. “Long, long ago my people lived in peace and prosperity. One day strange beings came from the direction of the rising sun. These beings were much taller than my people. My people greeted them as friends and they began to build the stone huts you call chambers. They would have huge fires around them and would be able to commune with “spirits” because these chambers stored energy and acted as doorways to the spirit world. It is said that the giant stones were moved by spirit power with a great wind. These beings were considered by my tribe to be messengers of the great spirit, they lived with my ancestors for a very long time. There was a great exchange of ideas and knowledge not only with our tribe but also with the Delaware, Algonquin and Huron people.”
The missionary John Heckelwelder told of a legend he heard from the Delaware Indians about an ancient race that preceded them known as the Alligewi, who were said to have “built to themselves regular stone fortifications or entrenchments,” to have been “remarkably tall and stout,” and to have included giants among their people.” A particularly interesting report from 1895 comes from the History of Deerfield page 78 “At the foot of Bars Long Hill a (precolonial) skeleton was described to me by Henry Mather who saw it, as being of monstrous size with double teeth all round. The skeleton was examined by Dr. Stephen W. Williams of Deerfield, who said the owner must have been nearly eight feet tall”.
There are countless similar reports of giant human skeletons all over Eastern America, often times many at a site, that have been suppressed by institutions such as the Smithsonian, which has a long record of underhanded behavior such as “losing” evidence that doesn’t fit its dogmatic theories. Many of these accounts are predominantly in town histories and were viewed as oddities not something trumpeted up to bring publicity. Anecdotal evidence seems to suggest the possibility of a lost culture of stone builders in the Northeast.
“writer James A. Jones, told the story of the Lenni-Lenape tribe (later, the Delaware) encountering a giant race near the Mississippi who they had asked for permission to settle there, which was denied. He wrote that these giants were very powerful and lived in great villages with high walls. The Lenape called this giant race the Allegewi, who allowed the Lenape only to pass through their lands. The story is told that when the Allegewi saw how many Lenape were crossing their lands, they became angered and fought the Lenape, who suffered great losses at the giants’ hands.”