Crawfordsville, 25 Giant Skeletons
Well Developed Mammoth Skeletons in an Indiana Mound
(by associated press)
CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind., Oct. 26,- In a gravel pit along the high bluffs of Sugar Creek tw
enty-five giant skeletons have been exhumed, and the
unburying of these mammoths bo
nes is still going on.
The last skeleton taken out measured seven feet in length. The femur and the pelvic bone are twice as large as those of an ordinary man. The grinning skull contained a perfect set of teeth,with an enamel as beautiful as p
olished marble. The bones were perfect in every detail. In the whole number of skeletons thus far found only two indicate immature developement, the remainder representing the framework, of a race of men evidently extinct for centuries. This is certainly the first discovery of skeletons in which the characteristic developement of giants has been observed.
- The evening world. New York, N.Y.October 26,1892, EXTRA 2 O’CLOCK, pg 1. Crawfordsville, 25 Giant Skeletons, Research done by Rephaim23.
- The Evening World, New York, New York, October 26, 1892. EXTRA 2 O’CLOCK, page 1.
- The Genesee Democrat, 19 November 1892 page 7.
- The Muncie News, 18 January, 1898 page 2.
- Democrat, November 24, 1892. Burial Place of Giants, Skeletons of an Ancient Race Unearthed in Indiana. “twenty-five skeletons of Brodingnagian stature. . .a gigantic one measuring seven feet in length . . .had a perfect set of teeth, . . .three skeletons of gigantic dimensions.
- Ohio Democrat, November 24, 1892. BURIAL PLACE OF GIANTS, Skeletons of an Ancient Race Unearthed in Indiana. “skeletons of brodingnagian stature . . . was a gigantic one measuring seven feet in length. . . twice as large as those of an ordinary man.”