Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Cook County seven feet four


North Shore Policeman at Chicago Dig Up Remains in the Sand.

FIND BONES OF GIANT INDIAN North Shore Policemen at Chicago Dig Up Remains in the Sand

The skeleton of a giant, who, when he walked the shores of Lake Michigan, stood seven feet and four inches high in his moccasin feet, was discovered in Rogers Park the other day, and upon the discovery hinged an afternoon’s wonderment. Joseph and Charles Everett, boys who live on Ridge Boulevard near Pratt Avenue, made the find and reported it at the Rogers Park police station.

Dr. John Klein, one of the searching party, declared that the skeleton was that of an Indian chief. Further search, among other things, disclosed a copper knife, arrowheads, a quantity of gold, and a moccasin. The skeleton was taken in the patrol wagon to the Rogers Park police station. Later, it was given to Dr. Klein. The doctor will mount the skeleton and send it to Leipzig University.

  1. New Ulm Review (MN) 12 Sept. 1900 Giant

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