Cogs used by the mayans
mayan cogwheels The photograph overleaf, taken in the major Mayan city of Copan, is one of the proofs of this. A society using cogwheel technology must also possess a knowledge of mechanical engineering.
It is impossible for anyone lacking this knowledge to produce a cogwheel mechanism. For example, if you were asked to produce a similar mechanism to that in the photograph, then without the appropriate training you could not do so, nor ensure that the mechanism would function properly.
Yet that the Mayans managed to do this is an important indicator of their level of knowledge, and proves that those who lived in the past were not “backward,” as evolutionists claim.
The examples up to now are only a few that demonstrate the advanced levels of civilization achieved by communities in the past. These point to one very significant truth: The evolutionist thesis imposed for so many years, that societies in the past lived simple, backward, primitive lives, is simply wrong. Societies with different levels of civilization and different cultures have existed in all ages; yet none evolved from any other. The fact that some backward civilizations existed 1,000 years ago does not mean that history itself evolved, or that societies progress from the primitive to the more advanced. Because alongside these backward communities, there were also highly advanced ones that made huge strides in science and technology and founded deep-rooted civilizations. Yes, cultural interaction and the accumulated knowledge handed down through generations may well play a role in societies’ development. But this is not evolution.”
March 5, 2009 by TMO By Harun Yahya Excerpted from the book A Historical Lie: the Stone Age
by Greater Ancestors World Museum on Sunday, June 26, 2011 at 9:14pm
The farther back we go in time, the MORE advanced technically (and mentally) were the Indian civilizations. We know this by ‘reading’ or studying the physical stonework, what ruins they left behind. The Anastasi, Hopi and Cahokia Mound-Builders were more advanced than the later Indians of the Old West. The Aztec Stone-Builders were more advanced than the great earth-movers, the Anastasi/Cahokians. The Maya were superior to the Aztec. The Toltec Age came before the Maya and they were greater than the Maya. Toltecs’ ancestors were the Inca; they built impossible stonework on top of the Andes Mountains! Incas farmed on mountaintops many thousands of years ago where no one can live today. The Pre-Inca constructed stonework ‘impossible’ by present-day standards. DEVOLUTIONARY examples abound!
He who wins the war writes the history.
The history we have been spoon fed has been designed to control the masses. Any archaeological finds that conflicts with the invented history are destroyed, or hidden away in a deep dark caves. It is shameful. I want to go through the Smithsonian’s deep dark caves, and the Vatican Library’s caves also.
“Devolution” is an excellent word. Poorly educated people are easily controlled with religion and superstition. It is the old game of control, I am sorry to say.