Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Cobb Spring 67 bodies many measured 7 Feet

Find Evidence of Giant Race That Once Roamed Middle West

texas cobb spring

Find Evidence of Giant Race That Once Roamed Middle West

AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 23. (AP) – Evidence of a race of giant warrior Indians which roamed the hills and plains of Texas nearly 1000 years ago has been discovered by E. F. Pohl, archaeologist, in excavations at Cobb spring near Georgetown.

Pohl, who has spent 20 years unearthing secrets of the aborigines in the southwest, says he has found skeletal remains of 67 bodies, many of which measured seven feet. A number were in a common burial pit in a state of disorder as if dumped in by a victorious enemy after what Pohl believes was a defense of the spring more than eight centuries ago.

Pohl, his wife, and a crew of workers also uncovered large numbers of arrowheads, spearheads, beads, hoes, hammers, drills, peace pipes, and clay pots. One of the pots is 53 inches in circumference. The teeth of the skeletons were in perfect condition, indicating they were of young men, possibly the flower of the tribes’ braves.

Moss agate arrowheads, a material not indigenous to Texas, and an ornamented peace pipe of red pipestone, the nearest known source of which is Minnesota, led Pohl to conclude that the ancient Texans had contact with other cultures.

TO SPAN OCEAN SAN DIEGO, Cal., Dec. 23. (P) – It will be at least ten years before two young Dutch brothers attempt to span the ocean in their 34-foot motor yawl. Frank and Pete Dona are anxious to get back to their native Holland, where Dutch cheese is less expensive than in the United States. They are at present hauling their self-built, long trip. The brothers, who make wooden shoes, arrived recently from Seattle and are preparing for the cruise.

LIMIT WAR RISKS TO US-CANADA LONDON, Dec. 23. (P) – Lloyd’s non-marine underwriters decided today to exclude war risks from policies covering property in any part of the world, except the United States and Canada. War Insurance was stopped some time ago in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

texas cobb spring2

Giant Indians Once In Texas

Excavations Yield Evidence of Seven-Foot Warriors of 1000 Years Ago.

AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 23. (AP)-Evidence of a race of giant warrior Indians which roamed the hills and plains of Texas nearly 1000 years ago has been discovered by E. F. Pohl, archaeologist, in excavations at Cobb spring near Georgetown.

Pohl, who has spent 20 years unearthing secrets of the aborigines in the southwest, says he has found skeletal remains of 67 bodies, many of which measured seven feet. A number were in a common burial pit in a state of disorder as if dumped in by a victorious enemy after what Pohl believes was a defense of the spring more than eight centuries ago.

Pohl, his wife, and a crew of workers also uncovered large numbers of arrowheads, spearheads, beads, hoes, hammers, drills, peace pipes, and clay pots. One of the pots is 53 inches in circumference.

  1. The Spokesman-Review – Dec 24, 1936
  2. TRAINMAN KILLED Spokane Daily Chronicle – Dec 24, 1936
  3. 1936.12.24 – Spokane Daily Chronicle

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